Monday, October 1, 2012

Sunday, Sep 30th, KVMR Celtic Festival


The KVMR Radio Celtic Festival continued its excellent presentation of skilled artists today, providing an atmosphere worthy of the 1560's British Isles.  Bringing contemporary Irish music from the U.S. and Ireland to a crowd living as Celts would 500 years ago.

On another gorgeous Northern California day, Pat and I enjoyed great food, music, and friendship.  Similar to WorldFest, the celtic music community's families have grown up through the years of these concerts.  I listened to an 8-year old, who played several instruments well, talk of past concerts like a veteran.  Many of the band members spoke with deep love of their inaugural performances at past Celtic Festivals.  You can't help but enjoy being a part of what seems like a true musical community.  Congratulations to the organizers for 16 years of successful community building.

To see all of the photos taken today, click on Sunday, Sep 30th, KVMR Celtic Festival



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