Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wednesday, Sep 17th - The Bed at Home


There's nothing quite as comforting as our bed at home after a long trip. We arrived on Monday night, spent all of yesterday cleaning up the car and Matilda, and last night watching some of the accumulated new season television shows on the DVR.

We had an absolutely wonderful trip. I could not have gotten a better reception from my cousins, nor seen more of the original settler homesites. The stories of their lives are clearer to me know, and the questions which remain are even more interesting. I cannot thank everyone enough for all that they provided to Pat and I, and I promise to work hard on strengthening the relationships which were begun.

To all of our Northern California friends who we love to be with..... we're back! (and let the election and the country get even more exciting!)

Gregory and Pat

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